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Introducing a truly professional Technical Teams, your trusted partner in steel product fabrication.

icon_widget_image Monday-Saturday: 08am to 4.30pm icon_widget_image Jl. Kakap Blok O No.3-4, Muara Baru, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, 14440 icon_widget_image (021) 2949-1904 0813 0008 5298 icon_widget_image support@emt.co.id inquiry@emt.co.id

Custome Order

Custome Order

Custome Order

Some industrial machines need to have versatile systems. At Era Mandiri Teknik, we provide made-to-order pulleys, conveyors and other machines in numerous sizes and materials, that conform to customer’s specifications. From cast iron to alloy steel – we also take your design into account because our service for custom orders is tailored to the need of our customers. Using high-quality machining service, we turn your Auto CAD design into real products.

3300 +
Satisfied clients
10000 +
Success of works

Our service includes assistance from the very beginning of the procedure. We can help you obtain the most effective and efficient design while providing recommendations for the best practice. No worry, once the product is ready, it will go through a detail inspection to maintain its quality.

Have any questions? call us today!

(021) 2949-1904


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